Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Brother Roger Murdered

Brother Roger, of Taizé, has been stabbed to death.

Frère Roger has entered the life of eternity

During the evening prayer on Tuesday 16 August, in the midst of the crowd surrounding the Community in the Church of Reconciliation, a woman - probably mentally disturbed - struck Brother Roger violently with knife blows. He died a few moments later.

In its sorrow, the Taizé Community thanks all those who are supporting it by their affection and their prayer. On the morning of 17 August, after Brother Roger’s death, the following prayer was read in the church:

“Christ of compassion, you enable us to be in communion with those who have gone before us, and who can remain so close to us. We confide into your hands our Brother Roger. He already contemplates the invisible. In his footsteps, you are preparing us to welcome a radiance of your brightness.”

The funeral of Brother Roger will take place on Tuesday 23 August at 14.00.

Each afternoon, from 15.00 to 19.00, his body is placed in the church of Taizé, so that all who wish may go and meditate close by him.

Eight years ago, Brother Roger designated Brother Alois to succeed him, as the person in charge of the community . Brother Alois has entered straightaway into his ministry as servant of communion at the heart of the community.

I am shocked and dismayed at this development. Anyone who knows of Taizé knows the passion and faithfulness which Brother Roger brought to his unique calling. We are all diminished, but can take comfort in the knowledge that he is with God.

One of the things I find really frustrating about events like this is the way in which they are treated by the press. The New York times has nothing more than an editorial in its international edition. Yet, if this sort of hate crime were perpetrated against any of the "in groups" (gay, African-American, whatever) they would be fairly frothing at the mouth about persecution, discrimination, and prejudice.

Once again, it seems that Christians are the only group in our society against whom it is okay to be bigoted.

Windows? We don't do Windows!

This is perhaps a bit far afield from my usual content, but I can't resist. Today's Wall Street Journal contains the following:

Rival computer hackers exploited a newly disclosed flaw in Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system to attack dozens of companies in what security experts said was an Internet-crime turf war.

Among the companies hit hard by fast-spreading computer worms were a number of media outlets, including Time Warner Inc.'s CNN unit, New York Times Co. and ABC, a unit of Walt Disney Co. Computers crashed at Kraft Foods Inc. yesterday afternoon and United Parcel Service Inc. reported that a "very small" number of computers in various locations were affected by a worm.

I can't help but wonder: when are people going to learn? Windows is a poor, poor operating system, and there are much better alternatives available, particularly in the server space. Even in the client space, no matter how computer-clueless you might be, Mac OS X is clearly superior. So, why are so many people still running Windows? IT'S A PEACE OF JUNK!!!

(Mouth frothing. More later.)